$137.52 was collected. Using their math skills, the children figured out that this money could buy 4,057 vitamin-packed micronutrient powder packets or 306 packages of ready-to-use therapeutic food. Both are critically important for the nutrition of children during the first three years of life. They also reported on the many countries helped by UNICEF and the importance the mother’s health. Thanks again for your generous giving. If you missed your chance to contribute this Sunday, there are a number of trick-or-treat boxes in the Gathering Room. Please feel free to fill them up!
Another couple of numbers that are important are 16 and November 5. Sixteen is the number of people signed up for “The World's Religions” sessions, so there are still a few spaces available. Please see me if you'd like to be added to the class roster. November 5 is the date for the first meeting from 7 to 9 o'clock. The book we’re using for source material, Huston Smith's The World Religions, is rich and textured reading. I'm sure we're all looking forward to sharing this experience.
That's all for now, the RE kids will be sharing their many talents with the congregation a few more times this year. ~Dan