The June 9 religious education presentation was a hit. From wild beasts pursuing a young damsel, intrepid mountaineers surviving blinding blizzards, and wise seekers sharing with us some of the wisdom of the world’s religions, all the children did a terrific job. The Golden Rule is truly a universal concept: fairness, kindness and respect are the underpinnings of all successful societies. Our first principle, the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals, echoes this truth. I'd also like to repeat my appreciation for all the RE instructors and assistants. Your dedication and energy made the World Religions curriculum a wonderful success for the kids.
After the rigors of rehearsal and performance, we kicked back and had a picnic at Thorn Creek Nature Preserve. As you can see from the pictures, we had some adventures along the trail. We saw a herd of deer, heard and sometimes felt mosquitoes, and smelled wild onions. Our group became separated, so we had tales to tell when we all got back to the picnic area for our lunch. It was a great way to put an exclamation point on our studies this year.
Religious education at UUCC is expanding its scope to include all ages, following our principle of promoting the responsible search for truth and meaning. During the summer, we will be conducting surveys of the congregation, asking what programs you would like the church to sponsor and support. These could be theological in nature, but not necessarily. They could also be artistic, physical, or simply social. Once we know the interests of the congregation, we’ll figure out what structures and facilitators will be required. We hope to open these programs to the general public as well, so we can reach out to the wider community.
Have a happy and safe Fourth of July! ~Dan